Over glazing
Installing Xinhai sheet in front or behind the existing glazed window provides additional energy savings. For effective insulation ' the best results are obtained when leaving a 20-50 mm air gap between the existing glazing and the Xinhai multi-wall sheet.(Table 11)
在现有的采光窗户前面或后面安装欣海多层板可以提供额外的能量储存。在指定空间的安装应尽量使欣海多层板和现有的采光窗户之间留下20-50 mm的空气隔层,这样可以得到zui好的效果。(表 11)
Double Xinhai multi-wall sheet units
Extremely low U-values can be obtained by double-glazed multi-wall Xinhai sheet units. A combination of Xinhai sheet outside and Xinhai sheet inside' with an air gap of 20-50 mm will dramatica lly reduce the heat loss factor in applications such as curved and pitched roof lights.(Table 12)
通过双层欣海多层板结合使用可以获得极低的U值。例如在曲面和斜屋顶应用中将欣海板材内外结合使用,并留下20-50 mm的空气隔层将极大的减少热量的损耗和流失。(表 12)
Energy loss calculations
The need to reduce energy consumption' and therefore energy costs' is one of the highest priorities in any business today. Substantial savings of more than 50% are possible when installing Xinhai sheet instead of mono-layer glass. When calculating according to the guidelines given in the DIN standard 4701' an average annual saving of between 0.9-1.3 litres of oil or 1.0-1.5 m3 of gas per m2 of glazing area will be obtained by decreasing the U-value by 0.1 W/m2k.
Table 13 shows the minimum and maximum amount of savings of fuel consumption per m2 glazing area when the U-value is decreased by varying amounts.
Calculation example:Annual fuel saving when glass is replaced by Xinhai sheet
Data:4 mm glass' U-value-5.8W/m2k 10mm Xinhai sheet' U-value-3.0W/m2k
U-value difference:5.8-3.0=2.8W/m2k.As shown in Table 12' the minimum and maximum amount of annual fuel savings per m2 glazing area are:25.2-36.4 litres of oil 28-42m3 of gas
U值差别:5.8-3.0=2.8W/m2k;如表格12所示'每平米采光面积可节省的燃料zui小和zui大值是:25.2-36.4 升石油或28-42立方米煤气。